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Mississippi River Flooding May Leave Foundations Damaged

From Illinois to Louisiana, the Mississippi River has seen its fair share of flooding. The recent storm systems left damage in its wake, not only from the immediate storm itself but with flooding in Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee after the Mississippi and surrounding rivers have crested and breached levee systems.

Flooding in Mississippi River damaging homesAs the flood waters recede and continue to flow south, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana are expected to see the Mississippi River crest in the next couple of weeks, possibly causing more flood damage. AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski noted, “Flooding along the Mississippi River will take the better part of January to cycle southward to the delta region.”
Residents in North and South Carolina experienced flooding last year which left many homes damaged with foundations washed away or damaged. It is important to thoroughly check your home before and after flooding.

El Niño’s Effect

According to, no two El Niño cycles are the same, but some impacts are typical. For the southern United States, this can mean more rain than an average year. The severity of the impact depends on the intensity of El Niño for any given year.

Monitor Your Home

After the flood waters recede, be sure to monitor your home for foundation damage. Walk around the perimeter of your home and inspect the foundation and exterior brick walls. Make note of any cracks or misalignment.

Walk through your home (and basement if you have one). Check for cracks in the drywall or separation between walls and windows. Do your doors and windows stick when trying to open and close them?

Contact your local Ram Jack location for an evaluation of your home’s foundation.
